Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Dance of the Whale

rupanya puisi tukang susu tarian paus mendapat respon yang cukup baik. di salah satu mailing-list sastra, seorang pembaca menerjemahkan puisi itu ke dalam bahasa inggris seperti berikut ini. terima kasih buat rilla atas apresiasinya yang menyenangkan.

The Dance of the Whale

Been so long he got fascinate since every night
he always hears the wail of a whale

Then in one morning, when he is about to gargle he witness
the thing marooned between his tartar
“Who are you and why are you here?” he asks surprisedly while looking into the mirror
“I am drowned by your unconsciousness,” answer the animal
while trying to set free, “Please return me to my time.”

Then at night again he does a ritual
that he pawed from childhood memories:
creating little river in his throat
from a cup of warm milk
that he believes will perform seven oceans
in his stomach

At the peak of his dream that night he sees
the whale is dancing happily, swimming further from him,
“I will protect Jonah in the warmth of my tummy
like you take care of Moby Dick in your mind.”

Translated by Rilla (posted at Apresiasi-Sastra@yahoogroups.com, msg # 25113)


Si Pemimpi said...

wah, jadi tukang susu ya sekarang? hehehe. kok semua jadi lutu...

Pemilihan Caleg DPRD Kalbar 2014 Satu Kursi Untuk Seniman said...

Pemilihan Caleg DPRD Kalbar 2014 Satu Kursi Untuk Seniman